Crafting Futures

Bringing together craft practitioners, designers and organisations to explore possibilities for a sustainable future for craft through making and collaboration.

A close up of a pair of hands wring out a dark blue dye-soaked rag. The fingers and thumb are heavily coloured by the dye.
Crafting Futures, Thailand. Photo by Simon Mills (c) British Council

Craft is in crisis. Livelihoods, culture, heritage, environments and societies are at stake.

Crafting Futures is a global programme which aims to support a future for craft by understanding its value in our history and culture throughout the world today.

The programme works with a network of partners in the UK and around the world to bring together craft practitioners, designers and organisations to explore possibilities for a sustainable future through making and collaboration.

The programme is tailored to the needs of the local communities, and our inclusive approach means it is open to craft practitioners of any background in any location. 

The programme is currently active in over 20 countries in East Asia, South Asia, Latin America and Wider Europe.

Film series: Why I Make

Step inside the studios of craft practitioners from around the world – from embroidery in Mexico to glassblowing in the UK and batik in Malaysia – in our series of short films featuring previous Crafting Futures partners.

We commissioned this series of short films to celebrate craft and share maker's stories from around the globe; to inspire us and to show the value of craft in our history, culture and world today.