International Publishing Fellowship

A year-long programme supporting the professional development of future publishing leaders in the UK and around the world.

A long bookcase in Kigali public library shows books bound in colourful geometric patterns.
Photo: Matt Beavers
The International Publishing Fellowship supports the professional development of future publishing leaders with a focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Each edition is a year-long programme which consists of online seminars designed to share insights into specific aspects of the UK and international publishing sectors and in-person reciprocal exchanges. The programme for each Fellowship is evidence-based and delivered in partnership with UK and international industry leaders.

Each fellowship focuses on a different market — often in countries where established links with the UK are not fully developed. Previous editions have explored Georgia, Turkey, Ukraine and India.


The programme:

  • Exposes publishers to new models and ways of working
  • Builds valuable international networks
  • Enables publishing leaders to become internationally fluent
  • Provides valuable research and insights for the sector.

As a result of previous editions, we have seen an increase in rights sales, translations and new publications as well as individual promotions in recognition of the knowledge gained during the programme.

Watch: 2019 UK fellows host their international colleagues from Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine
A young woman with long dark hair stands with her back to the camera, taking a book out of wall-mounted bookshelves.

India literature and publishing sector study

This 2020 report looks at the challenges faced by Indian publishers, agents, authors, translators, and industry bodies when making literature written in Indian languages more widely available to an international English-speaking audience.

See also
