Our arts work in Europe

Our arts programme in Europe tackles global issues and promotes diversity and inclusion across the sector, promoting cultural exchange between UK and European artists and organisations. 

Premiere of ‘Nobody Whistles Anymore’ in Ljubljana, May 2023. Visual description: On the darkened stage a crowd of people in colourful costumes is dancing. At the front of the stage: a person in pink dress with a pink crown, a male in drag and a woman with metal helmet, military jacket and fishnet stockings. Flower petals on the floor and some smoke in the background.
Premiere of ‘Nobody Whistles Anymore’ in Ljubljana, May 2023. (c) British Council

About our arts work in Europe

The British Council has been working in Europe since 1937. We support UK and European artists and organisations by promoting cultural exchange and sharing best practices. 

Our Arts programme in Europe tackles global issues and promotes diversity and inclusion across the sector – from our groundbreaking disability arts projects to our work with museums spanning social impact, decolonialisation, human rights, digital transformation and the climate emergency. 

We work across the whole EU region, with a focus on France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece, Romania and Ireland.

In 2023


people participated in our arts activity



people attended our events and performances

We engaged


people in our digital events

We collaborated with


artists from the EU and UK

A person stands behind a translucent pink curtain infront of an unlit stage, their head is hidden behind the curtains but their hands clasp together around the front

UK/Poland Season 2025

The UK/Poland Season 2025 is a diverse programme of over 100 multi-artform events in 40 cities in both countries. The Season will invigorate the UK–Poland cultural dialogue in addressing global challenges, and will open new opportunities for cultural leaders and the next generation of artists. Running from March–November 2025.


Learn more about our latest arts work in Europe.


Learn more about the latest opportunities in Europe.


Explore our latest resources for arts professionals and organisations in the UK and Europe, including research, guides, toolkits and reports.