Our programme of International Seasons of Culture creates time-limited cultural spotlights for the whole of the UK, enabling new international collaborations and providing a global platform for UK culture.
International Seasons are major bilateral programmes which celebrate and deepen the UK’s relationship with partner countries. Through vibrant showcases featuring the best of the UK's creative sectors, we help to develop the UK’s relationship with strategically important countries, often running our seasons in tandem with international sporting events, significant anniversaries and World Expos.

UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024
UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024 showcases ground-breaking collaborative work with artists, creative practitioners, and cultural organisations from both sides of the Channel working together to shape the next chapter of the Franco-British cultural story.
Explore recent International Seasons of Culture
UK/Viet Nam 2023
Celebrating the best of UK-Vietnamese partnerships across the arts, creative industries, higher education, and English. The Season will take place between June and December 2023.
India/UK Together
The India/UK Together, Season of Culture, celebrates the friendship between the UK and India through a vibrant programme of events across music, theatre, cinema, literature, fashion and visual arts from June 2022 to March 2023.
UK/Ukraine Season
The UK/Ukraine Season of Culture is a new programme of events, activities and grant-funded projects, strengthening collaborations between the two countries and providing new opportunities for exchange through residences, talks, films, lectures and more.