WOW – Women of the World

Celebrating women, girls and non-binary people and raising awareness globally of the issues they face. 

WOW Nepal, 2019. A crowd of women wearing brightly coloured saris stand with their arms raised holding what looks like large papier mache maracas.
WOW Nepal, 2019 (c) British Council

WOW – Women of the World was founded by Jude Kelly in 2010, when the first WOW Festival took place at the Southbank Centre in London. 

Since then, WOW has staged more than 100 festivals and events in 45 locations across six continents. The festivals celebrate women, girls and non-binary people, taking a frank look at what prevents them from achieving their potential, and raising awareness globally of the issues they face and possible solutions. 

Since 2016 we have worked in partnership with The WOW Foundation to support activity across South Asia (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka), Southern Europe (Turkey, Greece), the Americas (Brazil) and the UK (London, Manchester).

WOW festivals are open to people of all genders and bring together artists, writers, politicians, comedians and activists, providing a safe space for dialogue and enabling women and girls to share their stories and challenge attitudes. 

With co-creation at their heart, the festivals support locally-led ownership to reach new audiences, places and partners. Events include short talks, performances, activism, food, music, WOW Speed Mentoring, workshops and WOW Marketplaces. 



people online globally



people in-person globally



arts organisations and speakers

A crowd of people seated on the floor watch a nighttime event at WOW Nepal in 2019. The crowd is seated in front of a grand building lit up by multicoloured lights. The event they are watching is taking place outside of the frame of the image, to the right.

About WOW

Visit the WOW website for the latest news, events and content from festivals around the world.

Upcoming WOW Festivals

Explore the programme for WOW Athens. 

See also