Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth report

Exploring how cultural heritage can contribute to social and economic development. 

Two girls with long dark hair wearing red stand in the foreground by a seafront, looking out to see holding onto a rusty rail.
Photo by Lin Chunyung

This report explores the notion that cultural heritage could contribute to inclusive growth. 

The report shares findings from a sector consultation and international research suggesting that when people or communities are given the opportunity to engage with, learn from and promote their own cultural heritage, it can contribute to social and economic development. 

By 'inclusive growth' we mean developing tangible opportunities which create economic and social growth that benefits everyone.

By 'cultural heritage' we mean any type of cultural object or activity that is connected to an individual’s history and identity. This could be anything from the built environment to cultural traditions such as music and language.

Download the report below.

Heritage for Inclusive Growth: a report by the RSA in partnership with the British Council

In addition to the programme, we are continually working to develop understanding of the concept of Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth itself. 

A 2020 report by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) explores and learns from emergent approaches in the UK. Through case studies of initiatives using heritage to renew local areas, the research suggests that a new approach to heritage could play a role in rejuvenating communities and building inclusive local economies around the UK.

The report’s findings provide valuable learning, informing new approaches and ways of working in an international cultural relations context.

See also
